By Cammy - 29/04/2009 07:19 - United Kingdom

Today, I was pissed off. I kicked a soccer ball into my wall, and it bounced back, hit my head and knocked me into the wall behind me. My head hurts like hell. Even inanimate objects hate me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 356
You deserved it 63 345

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Definitely not an FML... but YDI anyways. You should probably not kick a soccer ball at a wall directly in front of you, it's simple physics.

Inanimate objects don't hate you. They couldn't give a shit one way or the other about you. At least that's what the cheese grater told me. :-P


ChelseaAnn08 0

I agree 100000000% with #23! I have submitted TWO true FML moments...and they get rejected. Yet, dumb posts like this one make it ALL the freaking time! I don't see the point in moderating anymore because most of the ones you click 'Not an FML' get posted anyway!

dark_bluee 0

Haha, sorry, but you had it coming. I mean, if you're mad, that's fine, but kicking a ball which is in a direct path of your head, then yeah, it was kinda predictable!

Vinya_777 0
avebaby 0

life sucks dude. hahah (: u just made my dayyy thooo!

Well thats one way to show you learned nothing in secondary school there. BTW when the op says he hit the ball against his wall he means his outside wall.

Puffcarian 0

I don't think I'd like YOU very much if you kicked ME into a wall :/

News flash: Soccer balls bounce. Also, physics still apply even when you are pissed.

abimack7 0

it only hates you cause you kicked it