By ProtoBird - 14/04/2016 04:11 - United States - Grand Rapids

Today, I got hit so hard in the head by a dodgeball that a contact popped right out. To make matters worse, I continued to get hit as a futilely searched for it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 853
You deserved it 1 579

Same thing different taste

Top comments

When I was playing dodgeball in 2nd grade, a ball hit me in the face and shattered my glasses, so as I bent over to clean up the mess, everyone targeted me and hit me about 15 more times

Always remember the 5 D's of dodgeball. Dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge.


It's always worse when you can't see it coming

When I was playing dodgeball in 2nd grade, a ball hit me in the face and shattered my glasses, so as I bent over to clean up the mess, everyone targeted me and hit me about 15 more times

mds9986 24

When I was in school, we had these stupid foam balls that were stupidly hard to even throw cause they were so light and they were always ripped up

As painful as they were, I miss the rubber balls they used to use

Why would you even look for it? a) it's hopeless; b) it's too dirty to be reused anyway.

Mathalamus 24

exactly. can you imagine putting it back in your eye after it hit a gym floor? I'd rather have the poor vision lol

@8, they dry out insanely fast unfortunately

mwali02 32

lol. Reusing a contact lens after picking it off the floor and rinsing it off? Depends on how badly you need an eye infection... No thank you! Sorry for your sour luck OP!

MamaChey 24

OP probably bent down to search for it out habit/instinct. Who hasn't dropped their contact putting it in and immediately bent down to search for it? Unfortunately, this was wrong place, wrong time.

SilverInGray 25

Can... Can all of you afford to get new contacts every time you drop them? Find it, rinse it, maybe let it soak for awhile in solution. I definitely don't just get new contacts every time one hits the ground.

#38, contacts are fairly priced to be honest, yet I drop them too many times to count, and I would have to shell out alteast an extra $500 for all the times they touched the floor in the past 6 months. But I am talking about 3 month use contacts, comments above are probably talking about daily use contacts, ones that you throw away at the end of each day, they are very cheap and come in huge packs. Also, I have tried to re insert a contact once that fell, by only rubbing some of the disinfectant solution, but even then my eye turned red and burned. They should be left in the solution for 4 hours to be safe to use again and there would not be any infections or risks. Unless the solution is older than 24 hours...

"Before you destroy your enemy, you must take out their eyes."-People on the other dodgeball team

Always remember the 5 D's of dodgeball. Dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge.

We must have been typing this at the exact same time -_-

To be honest I was amazed no one had said it already

Next time just remember the 5 "D's" of dodgeball! Dodge, duck, dip, dive, and dodge!

There's always that one day where the whole class stops to search for a contact.

born_hustla 26

So you stopped in the middle of a game of dodgeball to look for your contact? Ever heard of the saying "there are no time outs during war"? You were literally being a sitting duck!