By Sylvania - 10/06/2009 23:07 - United States

Today, I was playing a medieval game with my brother, when he took all of his character's clothes off and said, "Let's have sex!" I looked at him and said, "UH YOU ARE MY BROTHER!" He turns and looks at me, smiling and says, "But not in the game!" I am a 19 year old girl. He is 12. FML
I agree, your life sucks 77 777
You deserved it 5 589

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Omg ur brother needs to see a counsellor or shrink or something he's messed up!


That isn't bad, he ment for the charaters to have sex LOL. Thats why he said 'not in the game' saying the charaters arent related :3 He's just a kid who was messing around XD

Wow... you're a girl huh? and 19??? I happen to be a boy... and 19. Lets have sex! =] Ahahaha. just kidding. ...but really.

Sounds like my friend Karl when we're playing DND, except he always tries to screw our male friends...actually, he'll sometimes make an attempt with me (one of the only females that plays in our group of friends), it's just that normally he only has males to play with. Seriously, chill the **** out. That includes not only the OP but all of you retards saying how sick and wrong it was for the OP's brother to say something like that. If it was a friend of his, he would probably have done the same thing. Teenage (and even preteen) boys love the thought of sex, and playing an RPG is a great way to express that love of sex, whether or not you're playing with your sister.

crumbling_city 0

.........yeah.........I'd do it....mwahahaa

Nicolai_Tansy 0

eh. little siblings are like that. when they hit 11 or 12 they want to freak they're older siblings out with perverted comments. me and my sister are the same way. except we're two years apart and its an inside joke. but if he wasnt kidding, o.0"?!

callingdrlove 0

Think it's time to stop playing games with your little brother, yuck

BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!!!! I'm sorry for laughing in your expense. But hey, my 6 year old cousin made people out of playdough and gave me boobs. Might wanna stay away from your brother for a while... ;)

hahaha you must be really hot if even your brother wants to screw you ahahaha FYL