By hatelittleboys - 15/10/2009 17:04 - United States

Today, I was playing FarmTown and got into a fight with a 14 year old boy. I threatened him with physical violence, and he reported me. I'm 23 years old and got banned from a virtual farming game for threatening children. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 978
You deserved it 64 340

Same thing different taste


Ben5224 0

good work (Y) i F***ing hate kids they're mostely smart ass pricks

godyourethick 0
Haruspex 0

I laughed when I read that post. It's just the fact that he's 23, plays farmtown and got banned for abusing a child. Hilarious.

alpolitikat 0

LMAO. Epic. Shouldn't anyone at that age be working? Instead of threaten kids? And on freaking FarmVille!

jemma_aussie 0

well then dont threaten children....

BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That's too funny. YDI for being hypothetically violent on your hypothetical farm.