By Anonymous - 03/11/2010 01:49 - United States

Today, I was playing my bass clarinet around the house. I asked my dad if he would be at my concert on December 16th. His response was, "No, I'm working that day." My dad is a plumber, and gets called to work completely at random; he has no schedule. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 344
You deserved it 3 736

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Time to crack that bass out and practice in the middle of the night. He might learn to appreciate it then.

El_Mero_Mero 0

cut him some slack. he says he's a plumber but when bowser comes and kidnaps princess peach. he has to go recuse her. tell your uncle he never does anything anyways but pretend to do something.


he's gonna be laying some pipe that day, so that's why he can't go. |the kid|

shove tht clarinet up his crack and hope he cries hes a douch

I played bass clarinet too!!! why would you have to practice it though? the parts are extremely easy. I never even took mine home. haha don't worry though, my parents never came to any of my concerts even when I had a solo. :(

I would have said the same thing. You play a "bass clarinet" KYS.

I agree with the must suck!

-the person who created this fml- My dad told me he was just kidding and he has no appointment on this day. And just to let you guys know, I'm a beginner at playing an instrument. Ha yea i do suck at playing it


FML? Nah making 600 dollars a week isnt really as bad as you think. -.-

If you knew anything about the economy then you'd know that 600 dollars per week is pretty good for an average family. So **** off and get a life. Oh and btw, if your rich and making fun of my dads income i hope for any reason the IRS would come and take your house and money for not paying taxes. If not? Then... good day to you sir. -.-

Oh and who's is a 24 year old to argue with a 13 year old when she's obviously wining. You're so oblivious to the real topic aren't you? I really have to say, you are truly pathetic. Oh and you might want to work on your grammar as well. Dumbass.

Awww, I know how it feels to have shit parents