By Anonymous - 03/11/2010 01:49 - United States

Today, I was playing my bass clarinet around the house. I asked my dad if he would be at my concert on December 16th. His response was, "No, I'm working that day." My dad is a plumber, and gets called to work completely at random; he has no schedule. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 344
You deserved it 3 736

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Time to crack that bass out and practice in the middle of the night. He might learn to appreciate it then.

El_Mero_Mero 0

cut him some slack. he says he's a plumber but when bowser comes and kidnaps princess peach. he has to go recuse her. tell your uncle he never does anything anyways but pretend to do something.


i only see this as a good reason to practice more than you already do. I've been in that situation myself, except not using work as an apology.

Lizza330 28

It's okay, my dad never really went to my band concerts either.

Same here. 7 years of middle and high school band and I'm pretty sure he only attended 1. I'm not even going to try to invite him to my recitals :c

splinteredApple 36

I burden my mom because I'm in both band and orchestra, so she has double the concerts to attend.

you're lucky that you even have a dad. do what 2 said! FYL

wow ur dad cnt earn much. he shud get a real job. and if he does earn it's cos he always has a job to do so he must roughly know his schedule so u shud shut up.

Maybe you should use your education. Are you proud of your atrocious spelling? Are you actually proud of what you have to say? Being a plumber can be an excellent way to earn a living. It's a very real, important job, so I don't know what you mean by your statement 'he should get a real job'. What will you do if a pipe bursts in your house and suddenly you're flooded? Someone's got to know what to do. The job isn't for everyone, sure, but that can be said for any job. Yeah, the OP's dad could be a little considerate with what they said, but the dad may also have some very good reasons for saying no.

Oh my god, #15. You're an idiot & an asshole! You're not going to get far in life with the way you sound and spell.

Sinkhole 26

Take a look at 15's username, 'Mierda' is the word in Spanish for 'shit', we can't really expect much from him.

Sw33t_Candiee 0

lol sounds like a friend of mine..

Has anyone else noticed an influx of poorly worded FMLs?

sweetdreams999 0

poor kid. but hey, your dads a plumber. LOL