By Anonymous - 03/11/2010 01:49 - United States

Today, I was playing my bass clarinet around the house. I asked my dad if he would be at my concert on December 16th. His response was, "No, I'm working that day." My dad is a plumber, and gets called to work completely at random; he has no schedule. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 344
You deserved it 3 736

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Time to crack that bass out and practice in the middle of the night. He might learn to appreciate it then.

El_Mero_Mero 0

cut him some slack. he says he's a plumber but when bowser comes and kidnaps princess peach. he has to go recuse her. tell your uncle he never does anything anyways but pretend to do something.


im in highschoool and am really good at it lol

bindingfame 0

I'm a F. Horn player and my mom was a bass clarinet player. In my eyes those r 2 of the best soundin instruments in the band

bindingfame 0

Wats wrong with the bass clarinet its a helluva lot better then the oboe or bassoon

oldpeople 0

Are you as good at clairenet as squidward??

gmc_blossom 21

You mean "clarinet" right? She doesn't play clarinet..she plays bass. Squidward plays regular Bb clarinet. Everyone who plays clarinet is better than Squidward. He is just a cartoon character who happens to be bad at an instrument that looks nothing like what it's supposed to be portraying.

xneuroticallyx 0

this made me die...all because i play the b-flat clarinet. and the fact that your dad already knows his schedule.lmao

0opsie 6

"Today, I realized my dad still has a job when a lot of other people have lost theirs. FML."

Calm down I can't change the economy, or the reason why you're dad (if he did) has gotten laid off. And my dad DOES his job, now might i ask why your dad has gotten laid off so i can a.Feel bad for you or b. Laugh in your face. You choose an option.