By Beeisc00l - 05/10/2011 18:58 - Reserved

Today, I was playing video games at 2am. My guinea pig started squealing at me, and wouldn't stop until I turned out the lights and got into bed. I'm 20 years old, and I've let a rodent dictate my bedtime. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 618
You deserved it 22 529

Same thing different taste

Top comments

xoxoemmers 4
lovelydarlings 6


JinxosGirl87 0

Time to put his cage in a different room

It's because he wants you to get a good night's rest and make something of yourself instead of just sitting around playing video games. Guinea pig pellets don't buy themselves, you know.

Either that or it just wanted you to get out and do something good with life??

At least the guinea pig didn't ask you to represent the west side...

13FTW 9

Oh really? I was up till 2 last night playing black ops. I race cars every weekend, used to be defensive captain of the football team, and am in school with straight A's. People who game generally do have lives so **** you stereotypers.

Mean_Mr_Mustard 9

59- if stereotypes are true then what's yours, hmm? Everyone is susceptible to them, you are not an exception. They are like breasts, they are not always real. For all you know he could have gotten off at 1am, gotten home at 1:30am and then started playing games. His pet, pissed that his/her owner woke them started screeching until they let them got back to sleep. In short, don't judge people you know nothing about. It makes you sound ignorant.

13FTW 9

Shit 96, he got off for a whole half hour?! **** yeah!