By Ashamed_Sister - 30/11/2013 07:35 - Namibia - Windhoek

Today, I was proud when I started a confrontation with my best friend's brother because he is a sexist pig who treats women like crap. Six hours later my pride was gone: I made him an after-sex sandwich. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 674
You deserved it 78 142

Ashamed_Sister tells us more.

He just asked me if he can have something to eat. When I finished the sandwich I realized the irony.

Top comments

boxbrandon11 20

OP, I'm sorry, you clearly have no self-respect if you went from confronting him about sexism to feeding his sexism so quickly. YDI, so ******* much.


Oh, come on! Has it really been THAT easy the entire time?

So I become a sexist pig and get sex and free sandwiches I didn't know it worked that way..

Just one more comment. The FML says I am in Namibia (Windhoek). I'm there for holiday but I live in Austria.

Just where in the conversation did you and him having sex come up?

Wow, he's good. And six hours of sex is pretty impressive on both parts. Otherwise you suck at trying to make an argument since you gave in and did nothing to stop his cycle of the way he acts