By Ashamed_Sister - 30/11/2013 07:35 - Namibia - Windhoek

Today, I was proud when I started a confrontation with my best friend's brother because he is a sexist pig who treats women like crap. Six hours later my pride was gone: I made him an after-sex sandwich. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 674
You deserved it 78 151

Ashamed_Sister tells us more.

He just asked me if he can have something to eat. When I finished the sandwich I realized the irony.

Top comments

boxbrandon11 20

OP, I'm sorry, you clearly have no self-respect if you went from confronting him about sexism to feeding his sexism so quickly. YDI, so ******* much.


whathefuckislife 11

what the **** is wrong with you?

Why would you have sex with someone who you think is a "sexist pig"?

Wow. Opening your mouth to argue but instead you opened your legs. Hypocrisy isn't cute, especially when you're supposedly disgusted by this guys **** him AND then you make him a sandwich. Way to go.

Nice guys really do always finish last. I know you feel bad, OP, and unfortunately this is a YDI, but I have sympathy for you. I know the allure of guys like this...

U ****** and gave him a sandwich he isn't sexist that is a steriotype

You're the reason he's enabled to BE a sexest pig who treats women like crap.'re saying that in order to attract women, I should be a disrespectful misogynist then? Learning so many new things today.

aadgioonoars 8