By Marmarfarfar - 07/05/2013 16:43 - Canada - Ottawa

Today, I was reading and started laughing at a funny part in my book. My mom then bitched me out because she thought I was laughing at her. She called me a liar after I explained myself. Her logic? "Books aren't funny". FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 258
You deserved it 4 035

Marmarfarfar tells us more.

Hey everyone, OP here! I enjoyed reading all the comments, and I am happy to know I'm not the only one to laugh or cry when reading a good book. Just wanted to say that I am not from an up tight family, me and my brother had been picking on my mom all day making jokes. I was just around her at a bad time and she thought I was still laughing at her, so I might actually deserve this one. :)

Top comments

#11 kinda cranky, no? Who peed in your Cheerios?


twillight is a pretty funny book about a fairy and a dog that fight for a girl

Are you sure you are talking about the right book.

Of course books aren't funny. Everyone who doesn't read knows that all books are all serious business!

Xatraris 38

When I was a kid I read the Animorphs series. The things that were said were so cheesy, yet funny, to my adolescent brain. Books are an escape from life and sometimes you feel their emotions. Your mom really needs to get out and read more. (Though on a side note, I'm sure you wouldn't want to hear about her reading twilight or 50 shades. Let's keep the horribly written books away from her.)

Well as long as it's errotic, it well sell. That's what pretty much everything has come down to in mainstream society. Sex and money.

Hey everyone, OP here! I enjoyed reading all the comments, and I am happy to know I'm not the only one to laugh or cry when reading a good book. Just wanted to say that I am not from an up tight family, me and my brother had been picking on my mom all day making jokes. I was just around her at a bad time and she thought I was still laughing at her, so I might actually deserve this one. :)

The laugh was just bad timing. Although it was a bit mean to be picking on her all day. Good thing Mother's Day is just around the corner, eh? ;)

RenameMe! Clever, cracked me up. Hope mom doesn't bitch me out again.

Too funny. Maybe mom will get over it. Tell your mom your sorry for giving a hard time, you love her and give her a hug. I bet it'll make it better.

45- Twilight isn't anywhere close to being erotic. It's got exactly two sex scenes in the entire series, both of which are in the last book, and despite being extremely glossed over, made Meyer want to rate Breaking Dawn 18+ so as not to emotionally scar her 13 year old readers. And it's a best seller. So clearly there's a slight flaw in your logic. Or else Meyer is magic and has bewitched the population :P

Your moms the dumbest bitch I've ever heard of

Kozmotis 8

Your mom has obviously never read the Fred and George scenes in Harry Potter.