By poupi - 25/12/2008 12:57 - France

Today, I was reading the end of my book. I turn the page and see, written at the top: "Lauren kills Paul in the end... You shouldn't have pissed me off." It was from my sister, we had a fight yesterday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 517
You deserved it 6 945

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ohguru 0

oh man, that would royally piss me off.

I'll have to remember that type of revenge! Thanks for sharing!!!


nobody_u_ko 0

Well, u gotta hand it to her, she´s creative!

Narwhal234 6

Change the ringtone on her phone to "Never Gonna Give You Up" by Rick Astley. See who gets Rickrolled now!

haha I was listening to that when I read this:)