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By azouwa - 14/11/2017 19:14

Today, my mom stole 18 grand from my disabled sister's trust fund to give to an online boyfriend. As a trustee, the government can go after me for what my mom did. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 863
You deserved it 329

azouwa tells us more.

azouwa 26

She is also a trustee. There are 4 trustees. My 2 bros, my mom, and me. The govt can, and probably will, will go after all 4 of us. My bros and I will discuss it with the lawyer that helped us set the trust account up and have my mother removed.

Top comments

Why did your mom have access to your sisters account if you were the trustee? Time to see what, if any, methods of recourse you have against your mother, unless you want to bite the bullet for her crime.

That's when you direct them back to your mother? She wouldn't be able to get it out unless she could access it as well.


Why did your mom have access to your sisters account if you were the trustee? Time to see what, if any, methods of recourse you have against your mother, unless you want to bite the bullet for her crime.

azouwa 26

She is also a trustee. There are 4 trustees. My 2 bros, my mom, and me. The govt can, and probably will, will go after all 4 of us. My bros and I will discuss it with the lawyer that helped us set the trust account up and have my mother removed.

Not only that, cut her out of your life straight away. Any amount is unacceptable really, but 18k is ludicrous, especially for her reason.

neuronerd 28

Did she get written approval from all of you, or did you all speak with whatever banker is handling it? Perhaps your sister's trust was written differently, but in my experience, any large chunk of money taken out has to be approved by all trustees. If you didn't agree to it, and she forged your involvement, you're not liable, but that will have to be proven.

So I guess the conclusion here is that you'll just have to trust that she returns the funds.

It depends on how the trust is set up.

Not sure what your local laws are, but you may not be able to remover her from the account. If you can't then ask them to change it so that 2 or more have to sign off on any expenses so that this can't happen in the future.

That's when you direct them back to your mother? She wouldn't be able to get it out unless she could access it as well.

That’s horrible! What did you say your mom’s number is?

Lobby_Bee 17

Damn... Hope it all gets sorted OP. That kind of thing is my main reluctance in being made a trustee for my disabled bro.

TeachAllTheMath 19

Can you remove her as trustee?

watchtower1224 3
Zachary8261 28

Give an anonymous police tip and watch and learn.

Mungolikecandy 19

I was under the understanding that trust finds with multiple trustees required the agreement of more than one trustee to withdraw funds?

I know a couple Loan sharks that could help get the money back.