By Banana - 04/12/2012 16:04 - Puerto Rico

Today, I was riding the train and someone farted. Everyone looked at me. People always blame farts on the fat guy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 951
You deserved it 6 899

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"What the **** you looking at?!" People will stop staring, and big guys are intimidating.

Well Op since everyone is already blaming you might as well let them go. Bombs away.


FFS, as if skinny people can't pass gas. My 14 year old nephew is the gassiest person I know, and I'm the fat one. -_- Sorry that people are so dumb, OP.

grizzly66 5

I feel ya bro... Happens to me all the time

JoeLamp 2

Farts are fun! Like ******** without the mess.

hewro_failure 11

That's because fat people are gross and farts are gross they go hand in hand

This is what I mean!!! I hate stereotypical people jumping to conclusions saying only ft people pass gas! We all do! Get over it!

One more reason to start going to the gym