By Banana - 04/12/2012 16:04 - Puerto Rico

Today, I was riding the train and someone farted. Everyone looked at me. People always blame farts on the fat guy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 951
You deserved it 6 899

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"What the **** you looking at?!" People will stop staring, and big guys are intimidating.

Well Op since everyone is already blaming you might as well let them go. Bombs away.


martin_martian7 11
chrissy2 28

Some guy farted in front of me on the train this morning. It stank so much people moved carriages, I was stuck where I was. Luckily we were almost at my stop. I'd hate to get the blame though.

As far as I know, farts or any smell doesn't remain for more than few seconds on something that's in motion as in train. Are you sure of why people moved carriages?

The train being in motion doesn't change anything. It lasts as long as it would in any other room, provided all the windows aren't open. Just because the train is in motion, doesn't mean everything in the carriage is whizzing about.

People who make assumptions aren't worth thinking about. If it happens again tell them if they blame you, you just may eat them. Have a personal laugh on behalf of the ignorant people that make up the population.

Noor then he can come back with "Whoever did the rhyme, did the crime."

To which he can reply, "He who smelt it dealt it."

perdix 29

Just suck in your gut and pretend you're not fat. That works. I do it all the time at the beach and everyone is fooled!

What about the double chin, what's your strategy for that?