By bellsucker - 04/08/2012 22:15 - Australia - Melbourne

Today, I was rotated to the graveyard shift at my job. My only co-worker is a twenty-something Paris Hilton wannabe who won't shut up about her belief that she's the reincarnation of Whitney Houston. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 170
You deserved it 1 971

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So she was the reincarnation of Whiney Houston before Whitney died? How exactly does that work? Oooh! Maybe when this idiot was born she stole some of Whitney's soul and that's why Whitney spiraled into lunacy during her last few years. Ha! I've finally solved the mystery of "What the **** went wrong with Whitney Houston".

morganrules123 10

Whitney obviously put a horcrux in this poor girl.


Shadow_Phantom 26

The reincarnation of somebody who died within the last 5 years... seems legit. -_-

So wouldn't that make her a Whitney Houston wannabe?

Weird people like this make life interesting (:

Ok, #1 if rencarnation did exist (in my beilef on jesus christ will be reincarnated) for people of our world, u cant be the reincarnation of someone who has died in your lifetime

What are you, ****? Bang her, make her your gf, and tune her out. Problem solved.

Dallyni 22

Shouldn't she be a Whitney Huston wanna be rather than Paris Hilton?

agree and tell her that you're the reincarnation of bobby brown and slap that bitch up...

that sounds like some great fun with one of gods children. people watching and Interacting with weirdos are two of my favorite things