By koreageis - 08/12/2016 20:42 - United States - Medina
koreageis tells us more.
OP here. I made an account just to give everyone more details. This girl and I were friends a loooong tine ago and stopped being friends for many reasons. Well, when she was dating my boyfriend she cheated on him and he left her. Over a year later, I started dating him after she gave me her blessing and told me about her new fiancé and kid on the way and about how happy she was. A year later I find the fake account under a different name filled with posts about me, my love life and about how awful we did her. One post blatantly said that my mother called her all the time mocking me and giving her my personal info so she can stalk me even more. I also found many comments where my mom asked her to text her or call her and many comments from my friend, who is someone I've known for four years but talk to every now and then, talking about me as well. Apparently both of them pretended to be on my side while they helped her stalk me, my boyfriend and roommate. This girl found out who I was living with, where I was living and even knew everything about my love life because of my mother. I've deleted all my social media, including my Facebook just to get this girl off my back. My mother denied everything, didn't apologize and hasn't attempted to speak to me since. I last spoke to her about a month ago, more or less.
Top comments
Oki ex I understand ... friend maybe ... but your mom????? Wtf
Sometimes it is better if you don't block someone because if the stalker is posting how they're going to harm someone, you can snippit and take it to the police. Many states are adopting cyber bullying laws and in order to press charges, you have to have proof and prove intent. Most people cannot prevent cyber bullying, even by blocking someone. in this case it would have been almost impossible seeing as how OP's mother and friend were involved, another fake profile would have been made and the harassment would've continued and possibly escalated. If someone is that determined, they will do anything possible to make the victim feel helpless, worthless, and fear.
Mom: "Talk about her earlobes as much as possible—she's super self-conscious about them." Friend: "Oh, yeah, and make sure you use the word 'literally' all the time and incorrectly. It drives her crazy!" Stalker: "Uh, maybe we should plan this out somewhere other than public posts on Facebook." Mom: "You kidding? She's not exactly the most observant gal. I give her a few months before she notices this conversation while scrolling through your posts."
What kind of parent encourages and actively participates in their child being harassed and stalked? You need to confront both of them OP, if they deny it, show them evidence, and honestly, I wouldn't speak to either of them after that. They have no regard for your well-being and saw nothing wrong with making you feel humiliated, violated and unsafe. You shouldn't have people that do that to you in your life.
OP here. I showed my mom screenshots of the posts and she claimed that the girl made everything up and that they don't even talk, even though my mom had commented on several posts saying, "text me", "call me babygirl" and discussing school since they go to the same college. As for the 'friend', I completely cut her off without explanation and she hasn't tried to contact me to ask why so I'm pretty sure she knows why
You can drop the friend but I'm so sorry that your mother helped to. I would confront her.
Your example is not a good one. In order for a "murderer" to get arrested they have to commit the crime and you would indeed collect evidence for an arrest. Someone who takes the time to bully or harass someone really needs help and blaming the victim is atrocious. OP is not at fault for not blocking the asshole. If there were threats made against her or her life, she needs the proof for a restraining order or to file a complaint with the police department. As long as OP does not engage the aggressor than she is not in the wrong and proves beyond reasonable doubt that the other girl is guilty. You can also have someone on Facebook and not see anything they say or post and with security settings OP would need to approve anything on their time line and to be tagged in any status.
OP here. I found out because the girl blatantly said in one of the posts that my mom called her mocking me and telling her my personal information and then said, "karma's a bitch". My mom denied everything, even that she talked to the girl, even though she had made several comments on that girl's profile that suggested that they texted and called on a regular basis. After that my mom completely stopped talking to me and I haven't heard from her since.
#1- Not understanding your logic. Blocking the ex-girlfriend would not have stopped the ex from posting stuff and her mom and friend from intervening. Blocking could only prevent the ex-gf from going on her page and showing up on her notifications.
Who needs enemies with family and friends like that

What kind of parent encourages and actively participates in their child being harassed and stalked? You need to confront both of them OP, if they deny it, show them evidence, and honestly, I wouldn't speak to either of them after that. They have no regard for your well-being and saw nothing wrong with making you feel humiliated, violated and unsafe. You shouldn't have people that do that to you in your life.
Mom: "Talk about her earlobes as much as possible—she's super self-conscious about them." Friend: "Oh, yeah, and make sure you use the word 'literally' all the time and incorrectly. It drives her crazy!" Stalker: "Uh, maybe we should plan this out somewhere other than public posts on Facebook." Mom: "You kidding? She's not exactly the most observant gal. I give her a few months before she notices this conversation while scrolling through your posts."