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By seriouslylife? - 26/09/2018 03:00

Today, I was shopping at a store that hires disabled people as baggers. This is totally awesome and I love the practice, but this autistic bagger yelled out the name of every product he bagged, including "TAMPONS!" and "CONDOMS!" One of my middle school students was in the next checkout line videoing it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 619
You deserved it 384

Same thing different taste

Top comments

AdeenCuffing 12

Those two don't usually go together.

tease_ftx 8

How so? If she doesn't buy condoms she won't need tampons.


AdeenCuffing 12

Those two don't usually go together.

tease_ftx 8

How so? If she doesn't buy condoms she won't need tampons.

During a few days a month, they go together well, provided she uses condoms for the period anal.

Tell the student that if he doesn’t trash that video, you’ll fail him for the year.

RoadRunnerZ 13

No it’s not your teacher has the right to do the **** she wants with your grade

Not a good action. But if the students shares it, he is harassing his teacher, and that is something the school should deal with. It would be simply wrong of the student.

Kingchips24 5

Dont say these two dont go together cause these 100% go together!

I really hope the middle school student doesn't post that video on the internet.

Burle 17

Why are you embarrassed by condoms and tampons, they're just part of life. You're immateur for being embarrassed by it, as the student is immateur for thinking its funny. The only winner here is the autistic bagger

snake_gal 8

ya but your middle school student knowing what you bought and likely to share it with the class? It seems pretty embarrassing

Right? I don't get being embarrassed by stuff like that. But that's just me.

blondie45 21
tease_ftx 8

It could totally be so much worse. He could have yelled out "*****!, Vagisil, Herpes medication!" Just really bad things to tell out. I feel bad for any of his customers with truly embarrassing items lol.

PenguinPal3017 19

They sell ****** at the grocery store?

Of course they do, but the bagger is more likely to yell out "CUCUMBER".

Yeah, they pass them off as “personal massagers.” 😉

SaltyLurker 10

Yeah until he shouts, "LOTION!", "MUSCLE RELAXANT!", and "HEMMORHOID CREAM!"

Squidgegg 4

Dang. This makes me really glad that people who bag other people's shopping aren't a thing where I'm from.

I told my boyfriend of this FML because he works with autistic students at his part time job, and even he thinks it's hilarious that the bagger was screaming out every item. And he also commented he wishes he was there so that he could've helped out with the guy. I'm laughing about the entire thing, too, but don't get embarrassed. Honestly, when even my students (male students, no less) asks me what I'm rummaging through my bags for whenever I'm trying to help out my female students that's been forgetting to keep track of their cycle, I look at the kids straight in the eyes and tell them, "It's a women thing. If you want women thing to happen too your girlfriends, make sure to use condoms, boys, or you'll be hell lot of trouble." It's nature - There's nothing to be embarrassed about.