By NoBikesForYou - 26/09/2013 22:56 - Israel - Ramla

Today, I was showing my 6-year-old son how easy and safe it is to ride a bike. I didn't notice a pebble, bust up my leg, and my son is now terrified of bicycles. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 095
You deserved it 6 146

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Not quite sure how a "pebble" caused this much damage.

This is why you must teach them when they're younger and fearless.


a pebble? I am conpletely confused cause I've ran over way bigger than pebbles with a bicycle and never wiped out... big pebble

Really? Nobody else is bothered by that comma?

isnobodyhere 32

Did you catch that on take? We would love to know how brutal this pebble was..