By Anonymous - 05/06/2015 12:21 - Sweden - Goteborg

Today, I was sick, and my voice was really low and raspy. A cute guy smiled at me and said hi, so I said hi too. He looked shocked and said, "Sorry bro, thought you were a girl." I am. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 526
You deserved it 2 297

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell him that you're a girl who just temporarily lost her voice. He seems like a nice guy. (:


Should have whispered to him that he may be surprised and he shouldn't judge books by their cover or potential partners by the sound of their voice

JustinJK 21

Try singing sad songs in a coffee shop.

I'm sorry about that OP. I have a naturally low voice and my nickname for a while was "Man Voice Morgan," so I can relate a little. You're not alone. :)

love a woman with a low pitch voice... anyway a good answer could've been "and I thought u were a man, bro"

Omg I'm so sorry, that always happens to me when I'm at my worst

Don't worry if you see him again try to talk to him again with your beautiful voice

now chase him, except it won't be a gay chase at the end because he week find out that you are a girl

johncanact 13

I mean it looks like he was kidding?

Just tell him ur sick Problem solved :)