By Anonymous - 05/06/2015 12:21 - Sweden - Goteborg

Today, I was sick, and my voice was really low and raspy. A cute guy smiled at me and said hi, so I said hi too. He looked shocked and said, "Sorry bro, thought you were a girl." I am. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 526
You deserved it 2 297

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell him that you're a girl who just temporarily lost her voice. He seems like a nice guy. (:


haha sore throats ruining woman since the beginning of man kind. we all have been there! next time of it happens again, just let them know you are sick and you are in fact a girl!

That happens to me too, next time just play it off and and tell him that your voice cracks when talking to cute boys or something.

You made him feel gay for a second, OP! Rejoice in that. Lol In all seriousness though, were you in a local public place? If so, definitely try again next time if you ever spot him :)

why didnt you tell him? you deserved this if you didn't tell him

drealex360 5

He couldn't tell you was a girl

Either the guy was an idiot, you look really manly, or men in your country have very feminine features.