By legit - 02/03/2009 05:22 - United States

Today, I was singing Alicia Keys in the shower and hitting the insanely high notes. My father ran into the bathroom and threw open the shower door, screaming. He thought I was wailing in pain. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 212
You deserved it 46 934

Same thing different taste

Top comments

yeah...clearly you WEREN'T hitting the insanely high notes if it sounded like you were screeching in pain.

sexy1 0

are you a dude? that would be great!


xLoveisEvol 0

Why would a guy be singing to Alicia Keys?

cokyspaniel 0

my mum did the exact same thing...... only I was trying to be snow white from shrek the third.

funny_girly1 0
Jewbenita 0

you might suck at singing, but at least you know your dad cares about you :) for further notice, either sing softer, sing something where the artist has a normal vocal range, or warn your dad when you're about to shower then lock the door from now on.

friedpwnadge 25

There really is an actual difference though. Wailing and screaming is basically what broadway style belting is, where you take the voice you speak in and force it up to unnatural and unhealthy levels. Then there's mixing, and also the technique of passagios. Ultimately though, the way and technique with which you hit the notes is what makes the difference between singing and yelling. It's the reason Pavarotti sounded different from a rock singer with the same range.

At least now you know that if you ever wail in pain, he'll be there for you :D

Dsgkl 7

atleast he loves you enough to worry?