By legit - 02/03/2009 05:22 - United States

Today, I was singing Alicia Keys in the shower and hitting the insanely high notes. My father ran into the bathroom and threw open the shower door, screaming. He thought I was wailing in pain. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 212
You deserved it 46 934

Same thing different taste

Top comments

yeah...clearly you WEREN'T hitting the insanely high notes if it sounded like you were screeching in pain.

sexy1 0

are you a dude? that would be great!


#10 stole the words from my lips XD But then maybe the father simply hates Alicia Keys. If it had been boyfriend instead of father I would put money on that.

skweez_fml 0

thats what you get for "singing" shit. even hitting that "note" it still sounds like pain....and causes it

supermini231 0

My dad used to ask me all of the time when I was little and singing Mariah Carey if I was okay? I feel your pain.

Freaking awesome. Your life is ******.

ahahahaah that is hilariously embarrassing. at least you know your dad cares about you!!

sliimxshady 0

hahahahhahahhahahha. i agree with 19!

marty1fc 0

#9 - you suck. alicia keys is the best.

LMFAO! that is hilarious and embarrassing, and yet so sweet at the same. my dad would probably just pound on the door and tell me to shut up, even if i wasn't just singing and was actually wailing in pain.