By Operation Yewtree here I come - 26/09/2014 20:40 - United Kingdom - London

Today, I was sitting on a bench at the local park, eating a banana. A guy old enough to be my grandfather walked by, turned to look at me, then said "Young man, I wish I were that banana." He walked away, and I almost blacked out choking on it in shock. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 368
You deserved it 4 215

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'll bet he was disappointed when you started gagging because you couldn't handle it.


Be so glad you're not a woman. Things like that happen semi-regularly, and then people tell you to learn to take a compliment. :shiver: (Also, sorry about that! Ick.)

#19: And yet in all my years of messily eating half-peaches with my tongue in public, not one woman has ever told me that she wished that peach was her! Talk about double standards....

I don't know, I've had multiple women say the wanted to be whatever I happen to be eating. Moral of the story is, women are just as perverted as men.

Awesome username. (For those not familiar, Operation Yewtree was the police operation that investigated the allegations of abuse against Jimmy Savile and others in the entertainment business in the U.K.)

brendejafulable 41

Funniest thing I have ever pictured in my head. FYL

grogers311 20

Did he change his mind after he saw u choke?

A perfect example that old men still get horny

Always bring the banana to your mouth, not your mouth to the banana