By elizabethyeo - 20/02/2012 10:01 - Australia

Today, I was speaking to an old friend and I asked her how her mother was. She replied, "She passed away, you came to her funeral last month." FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 457
You deserved it 46 301

Same thing different taste

Top comments


sabb1228 0
Larion1 13

and you called her friend? now she will not call you such

linkinpark98 23

"ER, I meant father! How's your father?"

It is situations like this that makes me make a notes on my phone about the deceased, secrets, etc. I force myself to read it every other day to remind me .

tony775 0

That would have been a good time to use the: "but i just saw her yesterday" line... Good luck with reviving that relationship