By xx-look-at-xx - 13/04/2013 00:14 - France - Auriol

Today, I was supervising some kids, who were playing on a bouncy castle. One of them managed to kick me in the face during a jump, and looking for an apology, I asked, "What do you say?" He paused, then shouted, "HEADSHOTTTTT!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 279
You deserved it 19 832

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wildperson 8

Call of duty generation...I really have no hopes for it.


Yeah, because abusing a child like that is obviously the best response.

Yes, the best way to get revenge is to show him a picture of him 20 years older, fat as can be, in his parents' basement, with pizza falling off of him in drops, still playing the same types of video games he used to play when he was still young and could still call the same type of person he would grow up to be losers. Basically, give him a nutshot, except replace the "nut" part with his shielded and comfortable and naive life... >:)

#29: You just described my life. Thanks...

34 - Oh no:( now I feel bad. Damn, I was going to put something like "or maybe just leave the kid alone and forget about him, not all kids are like him" since I kind of felt something with my last comment. Sorry if offended you or anything :(

C'mon guys, you guys took my line literally? I referenced a first person shooter game, where there is a term called "nutshot", as well as "headshot", but the nutshot was funnier... Guess it's irrelevant to you guys. Thanks for the down votes..

TheManager 6

Anybody else find it creepy in COD how the dude sounded super happy as he screamed "BOOM HEADSHOT"?

ApollosMyth 22

Better the enemy then him. :P

Sonfang 19

Can't blame the video games if the parents are buying them, they should be paying attention to the age ratings.

kyu_Q 19

@#43 I totally agee. Ratings are there for a reason. Parents ought to be more responsible for what their children play, watch and eat. (thinking of the fat guy in the basement).

BradTheBrony 19

OH MY ******* CHRIST It's not like he KICKED OP on PURPOSE because of the video games.

9lashes 15

You were looking for an apology from little kids? Haha no offense OP but thats kind of dumb little kids dont feel guilt easily

Jessj958 19

Some parents don't teach their children manners or respect now days! It's sad, the kid probably has never been taught to apologize when appropriate. It's a definite FYL OP, but an even bigger one for the parent's of this kid.

Next thing you know, he tries to do a 360 on you.

Biniferz 5

Imagine if someone had punched him back "AVENGER"

skyeyez9 24

You are in charge of the bouncy castle, so kick his ass out.

born_hustla 26
fishyfishaaaay 5

Pop the bouncy castle! Sorry not sorry ;)