By xx-look-at-xx - 13/04/2013 00:14 - France - Auriol

Today, I was supervising some kids, who were playing on a bouncy castle. One of them managed to kick me in the face during a jump, and looking for an apology, I asked, "What do you say?" He paused, then shouted, "HEADSHOTTTTT!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 279
You deserved it 19 832

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wildperson 8

Call of duty generation...I really have no hopes for it.


AnonForAReason 11

Those darn kids and their video games.

iLike2Teabag 27

Now all the kids are just gonna spray at you. Spray now, pray later, right?

abirdgotshot 13

Oh headshot? How about spanking time?

She should feel honored to be kicked in the face by such a BA kid

Honestly, the kid needs to apologize. That said, it was rather funny!

guyverzerox 6

You should have ran in dropped kicked him into another kid and yelled DOUBLE KILL!!!