By brittgreen - 11/08/2011 20:56 - United States

Today, I was supposed to catch a ride with a friend and go to Warped Tour with her. She called at the last minute to say she was sick, so I told her we didn't have to go. I just got a text saying she just got pictures and autographs with the band I especially wanted to see. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 531
You deserved it 3 673

Same thing different taste


Ur frnd sucks..... (pun not intended)

annieg1984 0

What a bitch! Don't trust her!!

Knowing how much fun I had at warped tour ur freind is a complete BITCH!! The best bands there for me were ADTR AA ASD TDWP

Haha wow. This sounds exactly like what happened to my friend yesterday.

What kind of dumbass would send a text bragging about it?!? That is either ridiculously stupid or ridiculously evil.

I missed warped too ... **** our lives -.-

TheBeastiest 6

I don't think any one ever gets far enough in to the comments to notice this one.

get over it... where was your Plan B??

TheBeastiest 6

I think I'm the only one that noticed she spelled specially wrong.

224, in this case "especially" is even failed at being a grammar nazi...*sigh* @ op: now you know what a good friend she is...