By brittgreen - 11/08/2011 20:56 - United States

Today, I was supposed to catch a ride with a friend and go to Warped Tour with her. She called at the last minute to say she was sick, so I told her we didn't have to go. I just got a text saying she just got pictures and autographs with the band I especially wanted to see. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 531
You deserved it 3 673

Same thing different taste


So jealous that you were going to go to warped! Sucks about your friend though! That was bitchy!

Mipz 2

Why didn't you get another ride. I'm assuming you had a ticket? I mean kind is one thing, but stupidly kind is... Well, stupid.

angelr00lz 3

Dont you just hate people sometimes,thats ehy im isolated in SEALAND.

Lilbabynid3 3

what a bitch! why didn't you go solo or with a better friend?

nikki0627 5

I would of gone without her if she was sick, well found another ride. The warped tour has an amazing line up i wouldnt wanna miss if i already had a ticket.

EvilCupcake8361 9

I'm so sad I missed warped tour this year:(