By brittgreen - 11/08/2011 20:56 - United States

Today, I was supposed to catch a ride with a friend and go to Warped Tour with her. She called at the last minute to say she was sick, so I told her we didn't have to go. I just got a text saying she just got pictures and autographs with the band I especially wanted to see. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 531
You deserved it 3 673

Same thing different taste


scene_girlie 0

omg, if black veil brides were there, & she did that to me .. i'd flip shit! fyl

Steal the autographs and pics while shes sleeping. Then either draw on her, or leave her in an ally in her underwear. Or both. Then, move to another country.

Did your friend ever say she wasn't going?

onorexveritas 23

next time you see her give her a California Smiley :)

browneyed 7

not exactly a friend, then ...

bleedwell 7

That's your opinion, and I understand that you're super cool because of it, but lots of people do like Warped Tour, hence the enormous crowds at each tour date... I'd say it probably only sucks if you're one of the kids who wants to pretend to be cool by texting in the corner at local metal shows.

Look to get her back properly you must first make her fall in love with you, then get her pregnant and then tell her it wasn't and that it was probably one of the bands that she didn't take you with her.

I would've drop kicked her. What an asshole move.