By brittgreen - 11/08/2011 20:56 - United States

Today, I was supposed to catch a ride with a friend and go to Warped Tour with her. She called at the last minute to say she was sick, so I told her we didn't have to go. I just got a text saying she just got pictures and autographs with the band I especially wanted to see. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 531
You deserved it 3 673

Same thing different taste


Awhh! Your friend's a bitch! I went to Warped and it was AWESOME. Do the same thing to her next time you plan to go to a concert together:)

What a terrible friend. A true friend wouldn't do something like that

Yuck, wouldn't go to Warped for free.

dpoteilly 0

Haha I went to warped tour yesterday. It ruled. Your friend is a douche!!

volcomxbabiix3 0

warped was amazing. im sorry you couldnt go. /: theres always next time . and drop that bitch of a friend. just let her know karma's a bitch :)

peace123x 0