By Anonymous - 20/01/2011 08:52 - United States

Today, I was supposed to go on a date with a guy who lives on the same floor as me in my apartment complex. I got stood up. Instead I got to listen to him doing the girl who lives next door to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 818
You deserved it 3 112

Same thing different taste

Top comments

be glad it wasn't you ending up in bed with a player!


i bet if you went over an joined in he wouldnt stand u up anymore....see you just gotta use your goods. do like us guys we think with our dick not with our brain....

Don't worry you are next, as soon as he is done with this one.

anyone else thinking don't shit where you eat?

lunkness_monster 0

Better her than you, I'm sure it was a rape. :)

michael256341859 0

u can do it wit me my number is2563418590

Damn that hurts. I'm sure it means that you're not as easy as that other ho!

awesomelikethat 0

Creeper indeed! Get a life!!!

out_of_cares 4

This is actually the OP, and yeah guy turned out to be a total tool, was upset at first until I actually got to know him, really glad I actually dodged that bullet. Also, the reason I could hear them is because it was super cheap student housing with paper thin walls and her apartment/ bedroom was right on the other side of my wall.