By Anonymous - 20/01/2011 08:52 - United States

Today, I was supposed to go on a date with a guy who lives on the same floor as me in my apartment complex. I got stood up. Instead I got to listen to him doing the girl who lives next door to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 818
You deserved it 3 112

Same thing different taste

Top comments

be glad it wasn't you ending up in bed with a player!


now you know he is a pig and your neighbors a **** its win win for you.

Eh, whatever. Looks like you may not get an STI thanks to the local man-****. Why is this an FML again? You want to put out? Lots of guys looking for a free slit/hole. Either that or you could go next door and become the new building threesome. Whatever you fancy really...

Gorillaheadlok 0

Well that's good of you think about it

XxKyttixX 0

lol what a slutty neighborhood.

just b happy u know u he really is like and that ur not another notch on his bed post.

fiveonefiveoh 0

damn, that dude gets all the girls! don't worry, I'll get Ur turn next time

look at the bright side at least he wasn't sleeping with the man next door

thebigslim 13

A typical guy will look at options when it comes to women (unfortunately,) he must have weighed it in that this girl was gonna put out and wasn't sure if you would..... personally I believe it is better that you didn't hook up with this guy.

agigantorllama 0

...I guess that means you're next!