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By piece of crap car - 04/01/2017 06:27 - United States - Portland

Today, I was supposed to start my first day of work at my dream job. However, my car had other plans and refused to start. When I called my boss to tell him I was going to be late, he told me not to come in at all and fired me on the spot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 842
You deserved it 1 060

Same thing different taste

Top comments

take the bus. call a friend. call an uber. anything. on your first day at your dream job, you do what you gotta do to get there. then when you call you can say, my car didn't start BUT I found a way in anyway.


Life just slapped the **** out of you!! I am sorry! But you will find something soon because it seems like you are qualified candidate!

What a dick head! HR might have a thing for you to sort your matter.

Was your dream job becoming an auto mechanic? If you couldn't get your own car working, he probably made the right call.

Iwannarock1 19

Pencil dick , I just wanted to say that I thought your comment was hilarious .

You mustn't be very good at it. PS: Labs are my favorite dogs.

If your position at that company was so replaceable where your boss could fire you without a second thought, then you dodged a bullet . Your talents were clearly not valued there, and you therefore had no leverage in keeping your position . Good luck OP.

qwertycode 19

Playing the devil's advocate... There are many companies that have high expectations for their employees. This boss does not know anything about the OP except that he passed the interview - but his actual work ethic has still yet to be proven. Therefore, of course OP was replaceable - the boss doesn't even know him/her! Perhaps to the boss, they were thinking that /they/ dodged a bullet. It's unfortunate, but no need to antagonize the boss.

For all you know, the position could have been for a line cook at Popeye's.

Sounds like your boss was an asshole. Sorry you missed out on the job, but hopefully you'll find one where your talents will be appreciated and your superiors more compassionate :)

take the bus. call a friend. call an uber. anything. on your first day at your dream job, you do what you gotta do to get there. then when you call you can say, my car didn't start BUT I found a way in anyway.

lukcy_basartd 11

<p>I agree, try and salvage with HR. Show any receipts related to any work done or parts bought for your car. Think about your boss too, maybe he was up to his eyeballs in bullshit and his immediate reaction was to destroy anything else that came his way. Dreams are worth saving, and from this point forward anything you do and say needs to be done with conviction in your word and confidence in your approach. BE GENUINE. BE ON POINT ALL POINTS AROUND. Goodluck OP, you've got this.</p>

<p>Be glad, your "Dream Job" Would have been a nightmare with a boss that unreasonable.</p>

<p>Be glad, your "Dream Job" Would have been a nightmare with a boss that unreasonable.</p>