By Anonymous - 22/05/2009 14:08 - United States

Today, I was running outside. On the last mile I am along side some fields. While running along the side of the road I glanced down and saw a snake. I was so startled I jumped left in front of a car screaming like a girl. The snake was dead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 477
You deserved it 13 952

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Never understood what was wrong with "screaming like a girl." Why is it "girly" to scream over something that terrifies you? Oh, I guess you could stay silent while that weed-wacker is coming towards you. You'll die, but at least you wouldn't have died "manly." -_-

I would still freak out if the snake were dead.


ImsoMikhail 0

your choices. get hit by car? step over snake? you choose. if I was put in this situation I would have stepped on the snake thought. but I guess you jumping out of the way was just a reflex... hope you sent get hit

I would still freak out if the snake were dead.

lol me tooooooo! I 100000% hate snakes

Never understood what was wrong with "screaming like a girl." Why is it "girly" to scream over something that terrifies you? Oh, I guess you could stay silent while that weed-wacker is coming towards you. You'll die, but at least you wouldn't have died "manly." -_-

screaming like a girl? Or screaming like an idiot that got scared by a dead snake?

Ditto, #5. What makes screaming over something "girly?" Believe me, the amount of times I've heard a guy "scream like a girl," I'm pretty sure it's equaled out and they should just call it "screaming."

Dead or Alive, a snake's a snake! Hope it's only your ego that's hurt!

Why do guys always say "scream like a girl"? How exactly do guys scream? I would think anyone's screaming would sound similar. YDI for being afraid of snakes but as that is a common fear with most people, FYL. Also like to add i'm glad you didn't get hit :)

Men don't really scream when they are scared. Ever heard Vin Diesel, Jason Statham or Dwayne Johnson scream? Me neither