By murphy22 - 24/08/2012 09:33 - United States - Norman

Today, I was taking a relaxing bath. My cat decided to sit on the ledge, which is normal for her, but today she fell in. I never knew how painful it was to be scratched down there until today. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 648
You deserved it 2 824

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Gotta love the feel of a nice, wet pussy.

saIty 17

Did you not shave? Maybe your cat thought it was a mouse.


delicious69 5

You know what they say the only good pussy is a wet pussy ;)

"Doc, I got these scratches from when I was taking a bath and the cat just fell in and panicked, lacerating my genitals." "You were taking 'a bath,' hm? That's why you were naked? With a cat?... I see...*types on blog*"

The last cat I had would sit on the edge of the tub & "accidentally" fall in every time! She loved the bathtub! The only cat I've known that loved water!

JoeParris 1