Oh, hai!

By Anonymous - 25/05/2020 20:00

Today, sleeping in a little late, I was woken up by my phone. Still tired, I quickly checked the display to realize it was my girlfriend calling. I pick up the phone saying, "Hey baby girl!" She seemed pretty startled, so I double-checked and realized it was my new boss, who has the name as my girlfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 657
You deserved it 547

Same thing different taste

Play that Blink 182 song

By Mommys boy - 16/08/2024 12:00 - Australia

Today, I got a text from a number I didn’t recognize that said, "I miss you." Assuming it was my mom and her new phone, I replied, "Miss you too, love you!" Turns out it was my new boss, checking to see if I’d be able to work an extra shift. Even though it was her text that was badly worded, I'm now known as the person who declared her love to the boss. FML
I agree, your life sucks 186
You deserved it 384

Top comments

add a heart/smileyface/other to your gf's name. problem solved.

Sady_Ct 37

It wasn’t a text... he was answering a phone call


Rename one of the contacts. Problem solved. See how easy life can really be.

Mathalamus 24

That's why you triple check who you are sending it to. No excuses.

Sady_Ct 37

It wasn’t a text... he was answering a phone call

add a heart/smileyface/other to your gf's name. problem solved.

rotflqtms_ 21

All my contacts have last namea... my family members have First Last and Middle names. Everyone hates seeing themselves in my phone book, but I never have to worry about making that mistake. I'mf I dont know their last names, I name them by where I know them from. like boss, bio, etc. My mom is the only one who doesnt have her middle name in it...only because I want to tell my phone to call mom and it recognizes middle names so I put Mom as her middle name, Haha. now, I'm not saying to go that far, but you can add "Boss" or something as your boss' last name and leave all your personal contacts alone. You can also get a pic of your girlfriend so her face pops up when she calls and when you call her.

CLW240 5

well this isn't to bad lol. just a simple explanation and it everything should be fine maybe put a last name next to your bosses name?

one of the reasons 3hy i don't give contacts personal nicknames