By Niles - 20/03/2012 17:46 - Canada - North Vancouver

Today, I was taking a shower, when my dad decided to turn off the water to the house, run upstairs, and throw a bucket of freezing cold sludge into the shower with me. He wouldn't turn the water back on for 2 hours. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 375
You deserved it 2 831

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Freezing cold sludge? He obviously had that in the freezer waiting for you and had been planning this for a long time. This will require revenge of epic proportions. If your revenge doesn't involve prostitutes, the mafia, and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, I'll be very disappointed.


xxmeowxx43 1

I'd ******* turn of the water next time he takes a shower ..

ohrlynow 9

Some FMLs make me devoutly thankful for my parents. It would never even occur to them to do things like this to me 0.o

Holy I wonder what ops reaction was I would be pissed off and yelling haha get some revenge fart on his pillow and put ex lax in his food

sarahmcgeee 5

somehow I doubt this happened. maybe you were dreaming if it is true, then that truly sucks

malbig776 1

Ur gonna laugh and be glad he made these fun memories one day

Haha that sucks! What is sludge exactly?

MsMeiriona 2

See, I'd have gone right for his closet and threatened to use his clothes to towel it off with. See how long he holds out.