By Niles - 20/03/2012 17:46 - Canada - North Vancouver

Today, I was taking a shower, when my dad decided to turn off the water to the house, run upstairs, and throw a bucket of freezing cold sludge into the shower with me. He wouldn't turn the water back on for 2 hours. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 375
You deserved it 2 831

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Freezing cold sludge? He obviously had that in the freezer waiting for you and had been planning this for a long time. This will require revenge of epic proportions. If your revenge doesn't involve prostitutes, the mafia, and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, I'll be very disappointed.


ChrisTheCalm 9

People, he may not even be her real dad. Why else would be hate this girl so much lol to do that she must have pissed him off ..

eyecon502 13

Now you need to start a revenge blog with all of the ideas you come up with and have people vote for the best one! Unless you did something to deserve this evilness. ;)

iBiteRoses 22

LOL he probably didn't do anything to deserve it, it may be an ongoing prank war. You never know I guess XD

Honestly. Where do you people come from?

bizarre_ftw 21

Dry off with his clean laundry

LAX4life56 1

At least she pays attention to you :) it shows she cares.

All I can think of is the fact that he saw you naked... X(

BellaMarta 19

Chances are that he changed OP's diapers. And seen their mother naked. Nbd.

Something not funny if your female get out quick