By Niles - 20/03/2012 17:46 - Canada - North Vancouver

Today, I was taking a shower, when my dad decided to turn off the water to the house, run upstairs, and throw a bucket of freezing cold sludge into the shower with me. He wouldn't turn the water back on for 2 hours. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 375
You deserved it 2 831

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Freezing cold sludge? He obviously had that in the freezer waiting for you and had been planning this for a long time. This will require revenge of epic proportions. If your revenge doesn't involve prostitutes, the mafia, and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, I'll be very disappointed.


BTheIRules 1

Ur dad is messed up. Pay back is a bitch

It won't be so funny when you do the same to him in the retirement home before announcing that your going to stop paying his rent.

Fill the drains and pipes with sand. He'll never mess with you again!

Simple. Dry off using his pillow and blankets. Joke's on him then.

snapdragon1100 7

I find it to be creepy that he would walk in on you and throw something on you while you were in the shower. Naked.