By really though? - 03/08/2014 22:02 - United States - Dover

Today, I was taking an order for a patron at the casino. The policy is to "pay first." After explaining this to him, he still refused to pay. After years of being polite, I finally cracked and said, "You are making this really f-ing difficult". This particular patron was our CEO's son. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 816
You deserved it 14 168

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Man that sucks. But the spoiled little **** had no reason to be rude. If he was the CEOs son he would've already known the policy. He was trying to get on your nerves for sure! Sorry OP. :(

I think "I can't serve you then" would have sufficed


Well it might be possible you keep your job...if he just turned 21 I can understand the confusion

He should have said who he was unless he was "secret shopping" you.

How unlucky. ._. I understand how stressful it can be sometimes working with people, but we have to suck it up and not take it to heart. I hope you didn't lose your job.

BasketCase092 19

I get ya. I work in customer service and sometimes, you just want to punch ******* in the throats. But sometimes it's better to say, "I can't serve you then" and walk away.

He should've known the policy, not your fault he's being an ass. Hope you got to keep your job!

i hope you didn't lose your job op. my feeling is that no one is above the policy

Omegapi197 12

Unfortunately people lose it over swear words. Next time don't swear at least. Hopefully you learned your lesson.... Some customers suck but telling them off is not worth the consequences.

kacironi 13

that sucks, you're pretty much ******. good luck

if you had actually said the F-bomb, that'd be one thing. But 'f-ing' gets you in trouble? Little brat needs to go to hell. And I feel for you. I've been in similar situations on both ends multiple times, and I agree it sucks.

I'm pretty sure OP was only censoring it for the FML...

fmlsitesucks 6

some kids don't have manners... parents should teach them