FML for mobile
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By anonymous - 11/10/2016 05:23 - United States - Baton Rouge

Today, I was taking my phone out of my pocket when it caught on the fabric and began to fall. I managed to catch it, but also smacked myself in the balls in the process. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 602
You deserved it 2 212

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So the conspiracy theorists were right: cell phones CAN cause infertility! I'm sure THIS is exactly what they were talking about.

robbiemad 7

Look at the bright side. You could have hit your balls and broke your phone. Also hurt ball don't cost as much as a new phone.


You made the right "call" At this point, my phone is more important to me than my balls?

robbiemad 7

Look at the bright side. You could have hit your balls and broke your phone. Also hurt ball don't cost as much as a new phone.

tantanpanda 26

Look at the brighter side. It could have been a Nokia.

Be glad it wasn't a Note. Can you imagine it exploding on your balls. Ooooouch

So the conspiracy theorists were right: cell phones CAN cause infertility! I'm sure THIS is exactly what they were talking about.

Shhhhh. Don't let the man know you know! He might take you away and brain wash you with bleach! You should protect yourself with tinfoil whenever you're near a phone, and maybe even when your not. You never know when someone might walk by.

It actually can, but it's not that big of a deal.

Think of it this way, which are u gonna use more, your phone or your balls? ;)

But you get a new phone every year or two. My balls have to last a lifetime.

As I am a developing young man, I can state that a swift smack to the tiddly bits does hurt. A lot.

How is this an FML. The tatters this website has been left in genuinely makes me sad. If a moron smacking their nuts trying to catch a phone, just like a hundred other morons, is worthy of being considered an FML, then I really must applaud the site for truly giving up on itself.

okamiyazaki 8

Glad it's not just me... lots of genuine FML's, but then there are the ones that are basically, 'this morning my cat walked past me and caused me to stub my toe on a roll of toilet paper. FML.'

TigranPet 24

You win some you lose some. :P

mermaidkeels 26

Damaged balls or damaged phone? Seems like life made this decision for you OP.

TMO2142 25

Why can I relate to this so dang well...

As much as that sucks, this is hardly noteworthy. I don't forsee you confiding to your future therapist about the day you smacked yourself in the nuts. The momentary pain will be forgotten, fyl. But shame on those moderators who thought to publish this crap!