By ninalian - 22/05/2011 06:30 - United States

Today, I was talking to this boy I really like and we were laughing together, until I got this disgusting putrid smell. I started to say how awful the smell was and he stopped laughing to take a sniff too. As soon as he closed his mouth the smell was gone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 184
You deserved it 4 507

Same thing different taste

Top comments

at least u didnt find out by kissing him! that would have been a lot worse


some people can't help but have bad breath. he could have very good oral hygiene.

CateXOX 0

Of course you would know the solution for rim-job breath.

So? Who cares? Lots of people have stinky breaths! I'm in a steady relationship, my boyfriend and I love each other, but we both get stinky breaths sometimes, like, if we're kissing "oh by the way, do I stink?", "yeah kinda", "I'll go brush my teeth then" and other situations like that... It's not a big deal.

Osito2011 9
kaykay9080 5

Maybe for his birthday you should get him some toothpaste & a toothbrush.


"would you like a mint? ..or a few?"