By ninalian - 22/05/2011 06:30 - United States

Today, I was talking to this boy I really like and we were laughing together, until I got this disgusting putrid smell. I started to say how awful the smell was and he stopped laughing to take a sniff too. As soon as he closed his mouth the smell was gone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 184
You deserved it 4 507

Same thing different taste

Top comments

at least u didnt find out by kissing him! that would have been a lot worse


Dirty mouth? Clean it up with Orbit! lol you should have thrown a piece of gum at him....actually a toothbrush.

egamage 0

Just give the guy some chewing gum [mint flavor]. He'll think you are just being nice and will eat it so your feelings don't get hurt. Sneaky. Anyway, this doesn't really belong on the FML site.

Oh gawd LOL I know that situation all too well better just not bring it up and offer him things of the fruity or minty variety

Hahahaha I can't help but laugh my ass off at that xD

In his defense,maybe something died in his mouth..Just saying..

HunterAlpha1 8

there are things you can do about bad breath. if you're gonna refuse to hang out with people who don't always smell perfect then you're going to die lonely.

cdpaynee 0

I say your life sucks but his does too lol

MonikaMMH 3

maybe mono? then his throat skin is rotting and you bet his breath will be horrible.

iChel413 6

Bad breath is bound to happen. Just keep breath mints handy and brush regularly!