By ugly - 11/06/2012 12:01 - Australia

Today, I was telling my best friend that I was feeling unattractive, and that I never get asked out. As she was trying to make me feel better, we were interrupted by a stranger trying to hit on her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 486
You deserved it 3 586

Same thing different taste

Top comments

RedPillSucks 31

That's when you busted a move and asked the stranger out, right? Right??? Take control of your destiny.

Is feeling attractive the only thing people strive for these days?


You probably just give off a different vibe than your friend. We all attract different personalities, and it may have nothing to do with your physical appearance. Take a good look at the guys hitting on your friend(s). Are they really want you want? You might just be giving off that you're intelligent, well grounded, and mature vibe. While they're (guys) looking for something quick, fun and unattached. Maybe you're not spending your time in the right locations. Or maybe you just don't look inviting. it doesn't always fall back on beauty, there could be other reasons.

Well that should have cheered you up. You don't have to deal with random weirdos that don't know anything about you asking you out.

Awwwww im so sorry, but hey dont be sad guys are dumb butts and you just keep on walkin with your head up high knowing that your beautiful!! :)

graphicstyle7 17

Confidence has a lot more to do with being asked out than women want to believe... take it from a former "undatable".

totheforest84 4

Some debates seem like a waste of time. Being found attracted by the opposite sex is a very primitive need. As species you are wired deeply to procreate. To do so attraction is needed. That is why there is so much pressure. Media travels fast these days. Just like Daniel Tosh said these poor girls have all been raised to think they are princesses (which they are not.)

penguindude82 2

Being hit on is rarely, if ever, about your attractiveness. It's usually more about approachability. A lack of confidence is often mistaken for being stuck up or in a bad mood. Do something to feel better about yourself, and dismiss the opinions of others. You'll be surprised at the results.

lopecrit 7

That shit always happens to me to. Like when my bff is in front of me all the guys will stare at her.

Camo788 0

Then ask a guy out why does he have to ask you out?

blackman100 20

ASW. It means that you are an attention seeking *****. There are plenty of people who would love to be with you. You're probably looking for guys in the "popular" crowd. Look for the true guys back in the friendzone where you left them