By changeddaily - 20/03/2011 04:52 - Australia

Today, I was telling my friend how lonely I am on Skype. He responded by deleting me as a friend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 476
You deserved it 11 315

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I've found that people who act or have depression or are lonely tend to exacerbate the problem by bringing the topics up in normal conversation. It just bums everyone out.


HowDidIGetHere 0

u should get off your computer and find some new friends

xtrippx13x 0

that shows you have no life, DA.

bossybella 0

I'll talk to you just send me an email or something.

Sorry OP, but YDI. The easiest way to drive potential friends away is to be gloomy and whiny around them. If you want more people to like you, you need to be enjoyable to be around.

fml_psl 0
mady90G 5