By fml7458364838 - 25/06/2009 01:15 - United States

Today, I was texting the girl I am in love with. I was dropping hints about liking someone who I didn't know if they liked me back. Flirting a little. And just when I thought she'd say she liked me too, she said "Don't worry, if you were straight, I would definitely date you!". FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 497
You deserved it 5 507

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How about telling her youre not gay????? Problem solved

Tell her your not gay! Lol unless she says no after you tell her


Is your alter ego Kick-Ass by any chance?

varkey 7

Dude, your life rocks (if she's serious). Just tell her you are straight, problem solved. although, she may get a bit scared off...

massivelyskilled 0

lol so now is the time to become her boyfriend! just like it happened in Kick Ass! :D

SarafinaBella 0

23 took the words out of my mouth

well at least u Noe u stand a chance eh?

MwahFMLS 6

simply tell her your not gay. :) vwaula. magic.

Tip for non French speakers: if you don't know how to spell "voilà" don't type it.

Baytheshark 14

This is why you simply refuse to fall in love with people who think your gay... Ok but seriously she must be really stupid. Girls know. We know. Even when we say we don't we do. So unless she was once a man she knew and that was her way of rejecting you. Sorry!!

no. girls DON'T know all the time. YOU may, but not all girls do. I know girls that didn't and my current gf didn't when I was starting out. so no, girls don't always know. don't listen to this one OP, she's clueless.

hewro_failure 11

It's not that he is saying FML because he can't solve the problem he is saying FML because the girl he likes thinks he is gay and that is a let down and confidence killer