By JennyAndrews - 05/12/2009 08:44 - United Arab Emirates

Today, I was texting this cute guy that I like. After a couple of minutes I get a missed call from him, I call back and his girlfriend answers and says "Hi this is his girlfriend, please stop calling him". FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 175
You deserved it 31 122

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sdcrazy1018 0

Makes you wonder if you were texting her the entire time :o

Sargasm 4

Makes you wonder if the "cute guy", wanting you to stop contacting him, asked one of his lady friends to pick up the phone.


gracefulpanda 0

hmm, was he talking back to you? if so id be like look if you dont want him talking and flirting with other girls keep him on a shorter leash or something.. my sister told me to do that once, becasue that exact thing happened to me.

if he needs to be "kept on a leash" then he's not worth it and will cheat on you in the future.

CrassKal 27

At least she was polite about it.

"Wah wahh, I was trying to talk to this guy I liked but his girlfriend didn't like it. I just wanted to talk to someone cute. Wahh."

doglover100 28

You didn't know he had a girlfriend?

Come on he called you first...but casual talk was all that was going on right?

Seems shady on his part. If you didn't know he had a gf then fyl op. Otherwise you had that coming & ydi. Don't be a homewrecker.

MoroseMoose 47

His fault for not telling you he was taken!

MoroseMoose 47

Assuming he knew of his girlfriend's boundaries about him talking to other girls. If he didn't, the girlfriend was being jealous and controlling and it was her fault. Either way it sounds like you got trapped in their relationship issues.