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By Desperate_measures - 16/01/2010 12:22 - Greece

Today, I got a text from my crush. In my clumsy attempt to quickly grab the phone, I knocked it off the kitchen counter and cracked the screen. After driving to my friend's house so I could put my sim card in her phone, I saw that the text said, "Who is this? Stop texting me." FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 109
You deserved it 14 785

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So... let me get this straight... You somehow stalkerishly got this guys phone number without him knowing you had it. You texted him without ever telling him who you were or giving him your phone number. He didn't text back for a while but it seems you kept texting him anyway. Then he finally responded and you were surprised that he wasn't happy? oh... and "FIRSSSTTTTT" FHL

ummm if you're old enough to drive shouldn't you be old enough to not act like a creepy stalker and text a guy who you clearly don't know well without so much as revealing who you are seemingly repeatedly?


So... let me get this straight... You somehow stalkerishly got this guys phone number without him knowing you had it. You texted him without ever telling him who you were or giving him your phone number. He didn't text back for a while but it seems you kept texting him anyway. Then he finally responded and you were surprised that he wasn't happy? oh... and "FIRSSSTTTTT" FHL

Congrats that you're first (Y) [x And good point.. wow she's sucha desperate creeper!! o.O

Not to mention she drove to a friends house to put her SIM card in her phone, just to read it

I think it's really dangerous to so casually throw away terms like "stalker". That has a specific legal definition, and it's not sending maybe one too many texts to a boy she likes who obviously forgot whose number hers is. There needs to be a difference between normal, unfortunately awkward situations, and ACTUAL stalking; it's a serious accusation.

quackquackquac 0

I don't think "creeper" is the same thing as "stalker"... Like you can creep someone's facebook page or whatever, but I don't think it counts as stalking. I mean, stalking is following them home, getting their personal info., generally just harassing that person 24/7...

I agree some people just can't take a hint.

arent messages normally stored in phone memory instead of sim card when received?

russianspy1234 11

With ATT at least, a SIM card has limited storage for about 20 text messages, after that's filled up, they start getting stored on the phone.

ummm if you're old enough to drive shouldn't you be old enough to not act like a creepy stalker and text a guy who you clearly don't know well without so much as revealing who you are seemingly repeatedly?

AntiChrist7 0

So you have a crush on a guy that barely knows you (which implies you almost knows nothing of him, except his number) YDI

inconvienentgurl 0

Well maybe the guy knows her up close but not her dont know if she told the guy who it was texting him before he sent that text or not. Aww hun I'm sorry that happened to you but its not really FML because there are a million other guys out there and you can find another crush. Did you even tell him who it was texting him so that he'd know? Maybe if you had then he would of been different towards you

shalizzz 0

If someone you knew , even a mere acquaintance, texted you saying: "Hey, it's *insert name here*. How are you?", would you text back asking them who they were?

Nic_hole 0

haha they all said enough, lolz #4

Just cause you cracked your phone screen it doesn't break. you could of still got the text and see it.

gatorgrl1988 0

im going to have to go with #3. ydi weirdooooooooo

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