By JennyAndrews - 05/12/2009 08:44 - United Arab Emirates

Today, I was texting this cute guy that I like. After a couple of minutes I get a missed call from him, I call back and his girlfriend answers and says "Hi this is his girlfriend, please stop calling him". FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 175
You deserved it 31 122

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sdcrazy1018 0

Makes you wonder if you were texting her the entire time :o

Sargasm 4

Makes you wonder if the "cute guy", wanting you to stop contacting him, asked one of his lady friends to pick up the phone.


I'm surprised you'd back down because of a girlfriend. Who knows? Perhaps she's controlling him and he's looking for a way out. If you really like this guy, and this guy likes you, you shouldn't let anything come in the way.

no. never. that's a disgrace. never go after someone who's spoken for.

Figuring he gave you the impression he was single then FYL. What a douche.

You know what probably happend, he probably is single and he got one of his friends that is a girl obviously to call you and tell you that she was his girlfriend, so you would leave him alone. My friends have done this before, and I tell them it's not right, but it doesn't stop them.

YDI for having a name like Jenny Andrews LIKE COME ON

starshine3987 0

And someone named Jenny Andrews living in Dubai, interesting. Not impossible, but how many middle eastern people do you know with american-girl-next-door sounding names?

TryToBeKind 0

If you genuinely didn't know he had a girlfriend, all you had to do was text back with, "I had no idea he had a girlfriend, I am so sorry. Don't worry, I won't be talking to him anymore." If she gets nasty, that's HER problem. If you didn't know, he should have said something to begin with. If you did know he had a girlfriend, then you really shouldn't have been flirting with him. If someone you like is taken or otherwise unattainable, please don't even try. Just keep it on an impersonal basis or don't talk ot them if you feel yourself getting giddy just thinking about him. Flirting and all that when there's no chance of it going anywhere makes about as much sense and messing around and teasing with no desire to have sex. It doesn't make sense at all in other words.

thesesa 0

i don't get why the majority of people voted that she deserved it, i think it's safe to assume that she didn't know he had a girlfriend.